Author Archives: PaulVonRieter

Looks like George’s boat has come in.

Have you ever ridden on a bicycle trying to follow a boat around? Well, George has. That is how Christa knew that he was a keeper. Christa had been invited to go on a bit of a boat ride around Seal Beach harbor… a bit of a booze cruise, if you will. The plan was...

Third day at WPPI

Waking again at a uncharacteristically early hour, I jumped out of bed filled with excitement and eagerness to attack the day’s activities. After another evening filled with amazing food, great conversation and lots of smiles. I was feeling pretty energized. First up was the Marcus Bell presentation. If you aren’t familiar with Marcus… well… you...

Thank you Wedding Chicks!!!

SO I have to give a big shout out to the wonderful ladies behind the wedding mega blog; The Wedding Chicks. Amy and Jocey, you rock my socks. Thank you sooo very much for supporting my work and choosing to feature my weddings. Your backing has been a key piece to my success. Why all...

Second day at WPPI

After spending an awesome evening at Cut steakhouse in the MGM grand hotel with the Nikon crew… I could hardly sleep. I mean it isn’t every night you get to eat and talk to the early hours with Nikon’s top brass and their most impassioned/talented/knowledgeable reps. It was a full table, I sat next to...
