Category Archives: Uncategorized

Black & White

I have had a lot of people asking if I shoot film… the answer isn’t just a simple yes or no. I used to shoot film years back and loved everything about it. Now a days you simply can not avoid the digital thing. All of my gear is digital and so is all of...

For the Birds

This is my friend the pelican. We were out for a walk on the pier and I spotted him just sitting there starring at me. He couldn’t have been more than 10 feet away. I moved closer, and closer… close enough to touch him. You never really realize just how big a pelican is until...

Xander Almighty

Xander has prepared all of his animals for the on coming flood. No seriously, the backyard is a bit flooded and he is very concerned, so he has gathered them two by two…

Featured on SwoonOverIt

I am excited to announce that a engagement session I shot in LA with a absolutely fabulous couple was just featured on SwoonOverIt! Check it out! Give it some comment love if you dig it!

First In-n-Out chocolate shake….

So In-n-Out is somewhat of a California Icon. Much like other Southern Californian families, when we have relatives visit from out of state it is usually expected that sometime during their stay we will be asked to take them by that “In and Out hamburger place”. It also never fails that past residents will make...
